Resep: Bread Pudding Enak

Kumpulan Resep Untuk Membuat Pudding Enak

Bread Pudding. My family LOVES bread pudding, and this recipe is one that I have fine tuned to their taste. It's great for breakfast or dessert and. Our bread pudding recipe is delicious and simple to make, full of flavour.

Bread Pudding For this classic Bread Pudding, challah bread is soaked in a rich custard spiked with spiced rum and vanilla, and baked until golden. It's a great make-ahead dessert, and wonderful with ice cream! Bread Pudding is a baked combination of bite sized cubes of bread that are soaked in a rich custard-like mixture of cream, eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla extract and ground spices. Kamu dapat memasak Bread Pudding menggunakan 7 bahan dan dengan 9 langkah. Berikut cara bagaimana kamu menyajikan masakan ini.

Bahan - Bahan Untuk Memasak Bread Pudding

  1. Persiapkan 200 gr Roti Tawar,Sobek2.
  2. Siapkan 100 gr Butter (Me: anchor).
  3. Kamu membutuhkan 350 cc susu full cream.
  4. Kamu membutuhkan 4 butir telur ayam.
  5. Siapkan 100 gr gula Pasir.
  6. Kamu membutuhkan secukupnya kismis / chocochips.
  7. Siapkan 1 sdm pasta Vanilla.

Bread pudding is a bread based dessert that is popular in many countries. Because bread pudding is so popular and versatile, every good cook will need a variety of recipes in their arsenal. Bread pudding is a bread-based dessert popular in many countries' cuisines, made with stale bread and milk or cream, generally containing eggs, a form of fat such as oil, butter or suet, and depending on whether the pudding is sweet or savory, a variety of other ingredients. It wasn't in my mother's rotation of recipes growing up, so the only other exposure I'd had to the dish was the occasional trip to a cafeteria-style restaurant with my.

Intruksi Untuk Membuat Bread Pudding

  1. Tata Roti Tawar di Loyang,sesuai selera.Padetin nata nya,tebar chocochips/Kismis suka2.
  2. Hangatkan susu dan butter sampai lumer,dengan api kecil..
  3. Diwadah lain Kocok lepas telur dan gula pakai balon Whisk..
  4. Masukkan campuran susu butter hangat ke Wadah Telur Gula tadi,aduk Rata dengan Whisk..
  5. Tuang ke Loyang berisi Roti..
  6. Panggang +/- 45 menit,suhu oven 160",Puding akan Mengembang dan Ketika Matang akan kempis Lagi,,Gpp Memang BegituπŸ‘πŸ‘.
  7. Bahan Custard ; hangatkan 250ml susu cair sampai terlihat gelembung2 kecil di tepi,kurang lebih 3 menit,matikan Api..
  8. Diwadah lain kocok lepas 1 kuning telur,2sdm gula pasir,1sdm pasta vanilla,1sdt maizena, kocok lepas dengan balon Whisk,lalu masukan ke susu,nyalakan lg kompor aduk2 dengan balon whisk sampai mengental..
  9. Jika Sudah matang semua,puding rotinya Tinggal Di siram Saus Custard nya...Hmmmmm...Enaaaakk 😍😍😍.

Bread Pudding is a classic British Dessert, delicious hot or cold and fantastic with a drizzle of Soaking the bread is a important and the longest stage of making bread pudding, although it doesn't. Old-fashioned bread pudding is the ultimate classic comfort food. Try these bread pudding recipes for dessert! Pour bread mixture into prepared pan. This bread pudding recipe has been passed down three generations.